martes, 23 de marzo de 2010
Centro Educacional Bonao

Grade 8

Student:________________________ Teacher:_________________________

Choose The Right Answer

1. Juan Pablo Duarte was born on:
a) March 9, 1817; b) January 26, 1813; c) February 25, 1816.

2. The Dominican Independence was declared on:
a) February 27, 1844; b) March 9, 1817; c) January 26, 1844.

3. George Bush became president of the U.S.A in:
a) 1989; b) 1981; c) 1993.

4. Ronald Reagan became president of the U.S.A. in:
a) 1989; b) 1981; c) 1993.

5. He was the first black president of the U.S.A.:
a) Martin Luther King Jr. b) Barack Obama; c) René Preval.

6. Joaquin Balaguer was born on:
a) September 1, 1907; b) March 6, 1937; c) June 30th, 1909.

7. Juan Bosch became the president of the Dominican Republic in:
a) 1966; b) 1963; c) 1978.

8. Joaquin Balaguer was in Office for:
a) 3 times; b) 5 times; c) 6 times.

9. Trying to return Juan Bosch to the Presidency, there was a civil war in:
a) 1963; b)1965; c) 1982.

10. He led the civil war against the U.S.A. to return Bosch to the presidency democratically.
a) Joaquin Balaguer; b) Peña Gómez; c) Juan Bosch.

11. There was a terrorism attack during his government destroying the twin towers and affecting the economics of the U.S.A.
a) George Helbert Walker Bush; b) George W. Bush; c) Bill Clinton.

12. He never became a president but he was the most important leader of the P.R.D. having worked a lot to stablish democracy in the Dominican Republic.
a) Joaquin Balaguer; b) Juan Bosch; c) Peña Gómez.

13. Books written by Juan Bosch:
a) La Isla al Revés; b) La Mañosa; c) Un Cortesano en la Era de Trujillo;
d) Cuentos Paganos; e) Cuentos Escritos Antes, Durante y Después del Exilio;
f) La Ilíada; g) Sociedad Dominicana.

14. Books written by Joaquín Balaguer.
a) La Isla al Revés; b) La Mañosa; c) Un Cortesano en la Era de Trujillo;
d) Cuentos Paganos; e) Cuentos Escritos Antes, Durante y Después del Exilio;
f) La Ilíada; g) Sociedad Dominicana.

15. They Thread the Dominican Flag:
a) María Trinidad Sánchez; b) Concepción Bona; c) Mirabal Sisters;
d) a, b are correct.

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